September 27, 2007

"Where I'm From"

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I am from endless hours at the neighborhood swimming pool; from playing organized softball and attending a two room schoolhouse.

I am from the blizzard of '78 and from hot chocolate with doughnuts after sledding over Happy Hollow's hill.

I am from shag green carpet and my black beanbag chair; from Sesame Street, Mr. Rodgers, The Brady Bunch and Eight is Enough.

I am from Weebles that Wobble, from a Light that is Bright; from a playing card attached to the tire spokes of my banana seat bike and fights with my sister.

I am from a rusty old swing set, a failed vegetable garden attempt and a riding mower I once drove up a tree in my parent's backyard.

I am from TV dinners; from Dad singing with the Statler's while watching "Nashville Now" and Mom playing the church organ every Saturday morning as we fanned ourselves with cardboard fans with wooden stick handles.

I am from Grandma's Stew and Dumplings, from Nanny's Beef n' Noodles and Mom's Tuna over Toast.

I am from fun summer vacations and Pathfinder Fairs, from company picnics at Indiana's "beach", from snowy Thanksgivings and Christmases past that are with me forever, but now out of reach.

I am from spankings from Dad when I got outta line, from "I Don't Know!"; from "Can't Never Did Nuthin"; and "Aint's Not a Word!"

This was my own version of a Poem done by George Ella Lyons called "Where I'm From". I really liked doing it. I struggled a bit starting out, but as I began writing down things I remembered from my childhood, it all just came together. Some ideas you can use are: Family Traditions, foods you had growing up, a favorite place in the neighborhood or on your property, family sayings/things that were said in the house, a favorite place/room in your house.

I've seen it around on other's blogs so it's not a new idea by any means. I encourage you to give it a try if you haven't done so already. It'll bring back some of your childhood memories, guaranteed! Here's a template to help give you a boost.

If you do decide to play along, please leave me a comment so I can come check yours out.


Anonymous said...

Pretty good... I had to laugh because those were past where I am from!

VJ said... I wrote my version of this poem in August of 2005. Enjoy.

Lisa said...

Hi Debbie! :o) I am finally getting around to reading blogs again.

I like this idea. I think I will try it myself. ;o)

SimpleFolk said...

Oh, I loved this! It was so charming and took me on a journey down memory lane. I want to do this too, so I'll come back and leave the link when it's finished. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Although we've not caught up yet on my visits back home I can't help but visit your blog often for a sense of reality that isn't always there in my current surroundings.
You inspire me to see the simpler moments of life, you make me laugh (as you always did!) and are really one exceptional being!

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