Well, it's been a while... did ya miss me? Truth be told, I haven't been very motivated to blog lately. Even so, I've still been visiting your blogs, keeping up with what's been going on with all of you. And such busy, busy people you all are too! :)
Yesterday morning I had a job interview for a part-time job with Comfort Keepers. I only requested 20hrs. per week as my heart very much lies at the hearth of a SAHM. As I was pulling up to the building, where my interview was to take place, my cell phone rang. It was my husband with well wishes and encouraging words. This went a long way to help calm my nerves. He also thanked me for being willing to take an outside job and He wanted me to know that it means a lot to him. This made me feel appreciated and also showed me that he really does understand how much I don't want to take a job away from home. However, I know that it's a necessary at this juncture in our lives, and I take comfort in the fact that my kids are all old enough and responsible enough that I'm not needed here every second of the day. I know that I've trained them well and that they can manage this home and their schoolwork for the most part, all by themselves while I'm away. Besides, the likelihood of them being here for long stretches of time without either myself, or my husband, (he works primarily from our home) is rather slim. One of us will probably be here when the other is gone. I should hear something in a week or two, whether or not I get the job. The interview went very well and I don't expect bad news. I'll keep you updated.
Upon my return home, I felt it was still rather cool in the house so I decided to break the chill by throwing some wood into the stove and start a fire. It didn't take long before things were nice and cozy and I just couldn't seem bring myself to do much in the way of my chores. I decided to sit down and finish up the last few chapters of my book, "The Englisher" by Beverly Lewis. It's the second book in a three part series entitled: Annie's People. I'm not usually one for reading these types of books, but someone suggested it, so I thought I'd check it out from our local library and give it a try. Let's just say that now I'm hooked. See! My daughter caught me in the act. :)
Once finally up and about we needed to get outside and do some more wood splitting as well as a bit of Autumn yard clean-up. My husband was away doing some odd jobs for a lady that calls him when she needs things worked on or fixed. Our youngest son was away helping his granddad on a house that they're getting ready to sell. That left myself, my oldest son and our daughter here at home to get things done. My kids are very good about working on their own without me having to stand over their shoulder every second, but we sometimes still struggle with the motivation part-- getting going. I guess they haven't had the best example in that department eh? (uh em, reading when I should be working) But once they get going the work gets done and they do such a good job!
When my husband got back home, he pitched in and helped with wood splitting. It's a good feeling seeing all those rows of wood just waiting to be tossed in to the stove. There's still plenty more trees to be cut and split in order to get us completely through the winter months, but I'm sure my hard working guys will take care of us, just as they always have.
On a completely different note: Some of you may remember my interest in trying my hand at raising chickens. My husband on the other hand, isn't quite as enthusiastic about the idea as the kids and I are. I thought that I'd do as much research and gain as much information about doing this before I really start talking his ear off about it. Thanks to Nancy Carter and her Homestead e-newsletter, I found the Keeping Chickens Newsletter. It was an interesting read and I'm sure with subsequent letters I'll be getting valuable information so when my husband finally does say yes, (fingers crossed) we'll know what we're doing.
October 31, 2007
Catching Up
Posted by
Debbie Ann
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Labels: Around the Homestead
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The graphics that are used on this blog are not mine. Please be so kind as to visit the artist's sites and abide by their "TERMS OF USE". If you find any graphics that haven't been given proper credit or anything else that needs mended, please e-mail me so I can act promptly. I admire the artist's and their talent so I want to give the proper credit where it's due. Thanks very much!

I just came across your blog and thought I'd say hello. We recently moved to Indiana, so it is wonderful to see other people here enjoying the same things our family does. We hope to one day live off the land as well :) By the way, the Beverly Lewis books are easy to get hooked on! Enjoy!
Hi Jonatha! Wow, I barely put this post up and saw that it got jumbled up somehow. Before I could even 'fix' it, you'd already left me a comment. Thanks for stopping by.
My husband is not really "into" chickens either, even though he raised them as a child and I have no chicken skills at all. When it was time for a coop, however, he totally took charge and built a better one than I ever could have built myself. Now that the coop is done, he's back to not being interested! How funny!
I a big Beverly Lewis fan! I've read all her books and now I'm waiting for her new release.....impatiently I might add. lol :o)
I know how you feel about wanting to be a SAHM. When I first got married and 2 daughters, I wanted to be one also. But things didn't go as planned and found myself going to work. My job lasted a total of 35 years. I'm just very glad I was able to find exceptional babysitters. I'm glad you have been able to be a SAHM as long as you have. Good Luck and hopefully you won't have to work as long as I did.
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