I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Our family had a very nice time together. We had way too much to eat, but the food was delicious. My mom shared leftovers with us and we've been enjoying them throughout today. After our meal yesterday, some of us played card games while others enjoyed each others company with conversation and some picture taking. The kids watched a movie, "Ratatouille". I have no idea what it's about, but apparently it was funny in spots because I heard the them laughing out loud from the next room. We had planned to watch the Colts game with my folks that evening, but they don't get the NFL channel, so we decided to just head home. It was getting late anyway.
Well, Comfort Keepers hired me! I've been working a little here and a little there for the past couple of weeks. Since my schedule at work isn't set in stone yet, things at home are sort of hit and miss. Hence, the reason for my blogging absence lately.
Being a caregiver is not foreign to me. I have done it on and off since my early twenties. Oddly enough though, I'm finding that it's like donning an old hat. Working for Comfort Keepers affords me to be blessed many times over. It's a good feeling knowing that even though I don't have any fancy degrees or hold any grand titles, I'm still doing something that's important and needed! Seeing my clients as they smile at me, and greet me warmly is a very satisfying feeling.
My supervisor has been very accommodating with not scheduling me to work on the Sabbath. In fact, before hiring me, I was asked if there were any days that I wouldn't be available and I told them that I couldn't work on Friday (preparation day) or Saturday because of the Sabbath. I also said that I preferred not to work on Sunday, but would work if they needed someone to fill in. So far, they haven't asked me to work on a Sunday, but as winter draws near, I'm sure I'll be called as there are often illnesses, transportation problems and weather related issues that occur during this time of the year.
In closing, I want to say thank you to my friend Celli for being such an encouragement to me as I was waiting to hear from Comfort Keepers. She said all the right things and gave me all the assurance to believe that I was a 'shoe-in'. Thanks Celli! Love ya girl!!
15 Creative Seed Starting Ideas
1 day ago
I'm very proud of you. You really know how to work with the elderly because I'm seen you with your Grandmother and heard how you have brought smiles to peoples faces. I know you want to stay home w/your children, but I believe you have given and are giving them a good example. God Bless You!!
Yay Debbie!! That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you that you got the job. :o)
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