December 18, 2007

Psalms 103:1

We got hit by a pretty nasty snow storm over this past weekend (ll inches) and just before I drifted off to sleep I was thanking the Lord for his protection and for the blessing of our home, which is primarily being heated by wood this winter. It's true that not every room is a warm as I've been accustomed to in winters past, but I definitely can't complain. An extra blanket thrown around my shoulders in the evening, as well as on the bed at night is enough to keep me comfortable.

As I laid there in bed, another cold related thought came to mind. I marveled at how amazing it was that the Native American's were able to endure such frigid winter temperatures. Especially since they didn't have the kind of shelter's that we enjoy today. And... have you ever thought about the animals in nature that survive such varied and extreme weather situations throughout their lifetime? Those were just passing thoughts I had. You may think they're a bit silly and elementary, but having thought them made me especially grateful for the provisions the Lord has given to me and my family at this time in our lives.

1 comment:

SimpleFolk said...

I have thought the exact same thing! Though we do have a propane furnace, we heat only with wood. It's a lot of work (and mess) but it sure is cozy! When the storm hit, I was certainly grateful for it. :o)

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


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