December 31, 2007

Safety Tip

We are preparing to leave, but before I go I wanted to share this informative safety tip with you all.

Before I went back to work part-time, my husband would always fill the van up with gas for me. Now, I do it because I'm out more than I used to be. Just last week when stopping for gas, it occurred to me that I should probably lock my doors because I decided I to leave my purse in the passenger seat while fueling up. Also, since learning that it's not safe to have your cell phone on you while pumping gas, I no longer keep that in my coat pocket now, but rather leave it unattended in the van, near my purse. After watching this video clip, it just confirms that I was doing the right thing. To be even safer, I'll be placing my purse out of sight rather than leaving it in the passenger seat, in the future.

1 comment:

VJ said...

Thanks so much for sharing!!! Those are great tips to remember.

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