January 18, 2008

How to Improve the Memory

I've been skimming a book on health put out by Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center. There is a particularly interesting section that caught my eye on improving the memory. I find that I'm awfully forgetful these days and have a difficult time with memorization. Also, now that I'm working as a caregiver again, I find myself working with an increased amount of people with dementia and Alzheimer's. I have been doing an interesting study on Alzheimer's. Maybe I can share a bit about that with you sometime in the future. Anyway, I thought I'd list here what steps Uchee Pines shares for things you can do to improve your memory.

a. Observe strict regularity in ALL things

b. Never lie down after a meal. This promotes early senility.

c. Do not crowd too many things into a small amount of time. On the other hand, do not allow time to pass without profitably using it.

d. Country living with strict simplicity is most favorable to learning, as well as to easy recall.

e. Keep all things orderly in your surroundings. Do not keep in your home more things than you are to keep in perfect order. Do not have something on every desk top, table or bookcase. have much ope space on walls, floors, yards, etc.; avoid clutter.

f. Eat nothing between meals or within several hours of going to bed. Intestinal fermentation produces toxins that injure and dull the mind. Use little fluids or liquid foods at meals. Use few dishes or varieties of foods at one meal. Especially avoid harmful combinations such as milk-sugar-egg mixtures, or fruit-vegetable mixtures. Never overeat. Excess nutrients such as potassium cause mental confusion. Excess sodium suppresses norepinephrine production resulting in lack of alertness. With the electroencephalogram (brain wave), we can get an indication of states of alertness. Brain waves are slower after large meals, taller and faster during prayer and in fasting states. Excessive fats of all kinds contribute to mental fogginess.

g. Keep a program of study of new things constantly going. The stretching of the mind to understand the Bible and to memorize portions of it represents the best single mental exercise.
Avoid excesses in all pleasurable pursuits. Over stimulation of sensory nerves sets up a condition causing forgetfulness.

i. Avoid smoking. Smokers have been shown to have poorer memories.

j. Train the mind to dwell on heavenly themes. It is a law of the mind that it assumes the level of those things which occupy it.


Unknown said...

Lots of valuable information. I haven't checked the Uchee Pines site in a while, thanks for the reminder.

Grandma 2 Six said...

I found 1 spelling error. Look at e. you will find that the n was left off of open. It was good to have you & Andrea here today. M.

Debbie Ann said...

Yes, Joel caught that one too. I've just been too lazy to fix it. Do you think people will stop reading my blog because I have a spelling errors sometimes? I hope not. :)

Debbie Ann said...

Oops! I did it again. Geesh, my fingers can't keep up w/my brain.

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